
martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

666...what does it mean?

"Here is wisdom. That hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred threescore and six. "- John the Theologian (Revelation 13:18)
"The significance of the number 666 is one of the greatest mysteries of mankind for almost two millennia. They gave hundreds of explanations more or less plausible, but nobody managed to find out what that number really means. Dominant figures of various eras have been associated with the "number of the beast" such as Nero, Napoleon, Hitler or the Pope (whatever it may be). Citation John the Theologian, who put in mist million people and created hexakosioihexekontahexafobia (fear of the number 666) is: "Here is wisdom. That hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred threescore and six. "(Revelation 13:18) In mathematics, 666 is the sum of the first 36 numbers and is therefore triangular number. Triangular numbers are those that can form an equilateral triangle. This is the first clue to decode the number. 666 is also the sum of the squares of the first seven prime numbers. Generally, this number is regarded as one evil because Satan is associated with biblical quotes. This is the second clue. Few know that, generally Thracians and Dacians in particular 666 was a very important number. Their legends claimed that Zalmoxis Divine Twins return to Earth once every 666 years. During Burebista decided that the first year of the calendar year to be considered if Gemini Divine birth (ie 713 BC) and the 666-th (47 BC) are year-religious political reforms . This number appears on all sorts of inscriptions throughout the Thracians, the SSS, CCC (C = 6 Greek) or VIVIVI (VI = 6 Latin). For example, a woman's prayer Getian Zalmoxian, was found on a marble plaque at Tomis "Ayrelia banners Symforo Syn Syn dio ze six tri Kai doing Theta gatri Ayris Niascharian Noname". This prayer is translated: "Bright, clean, great lady, are faithful, are three of six, but both please: help me revive once." Number 666 is found only in the current text ("three to six" ), but hidden. Reading just capitalization, it "AB AN SSS K", which translates "with 666 years". According to Dr. Napoleon Săvescu, it was the sign that the Thracians worshiped returned to the true religion, which he wore a sign on the right hand or forehead. In his book Secret Dacia, Adrian Bucurescu presents several examples. On a marble slab discovered in Tetova city of Macedonia is the following inscription: "I'm number three of six, which for me is sacred. I'd love to get high in the Land of the Gods. "On a lamp from Drobeta write from right to left:" It Namor SSS "(" number 666 "). Found in a lamp from the old city-ship (Olt) writes "CVIVI" Greek combination of 6 (C) and 6 Latin (VI). Also in such combinations is 666 on bricks and tiles found at Bumbeşti-Jiu and other Dacian fortresses. So Thracians associate this number with Divine Twins. This is our third clue that can help us decipher one of the best preserved historical codes. You believe it or not, the answer was right in front of us all along. For our ancestors, regardless of the culture to which they belonged, some numbers (1,3,7,9,12, etc.) Were very important. These numbers have retained importance even today. Although numerology give all kinds of explanations for these numbers ignore the most important: numbers represent deities. 1 is the supreme god, regardless of religion or God. 2 is a couple of gods, usually signifies its Divine Twins (Marduk and Ishtar, Apollo and Artemis, Freyr and Freyja). Figure 3 is a trinity, found in most religions. For example, the first trinity of Mesopotamia consisted of Anu, Enlil and Enki. It was followed by the second, consisting of Enki and his children, Marduk and Ishtar. In Brahmanism we Trimurti consists of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Holy Trinity in Christianity, etc.. Figure 4 represents family "satanic", ie Enki and Ninhursag (parents), along with their children, Marduk and Ishtar (Divine Twins). For Egyptians, number 8 Ogdoad of Hermopolis be great and 9, United Enneiadă of Heliopolis (groups of eight or nine gods). 12 is the number of Titans and Olympian gods in ancient Greece, rulers Sumerian gods number, number of the apostles of Jesus in Christianity, etc.. I will detail these issues in a future post. In conclusion, the numbers "magic" is superior entities men whom they called gods. Therefore, chances are high as 666 to represent one or more of these deities. John the Theologian said, "is the number of man", the man understood a person, an entity, a being. In the Revelation of John, 666 is associated with evil, Satan, the Beast or Antichrist. At the Thracians, was associated with Divine Twins, ie Marduk (the Christians called Satan) and his sister Ishtar. John wrote, "who has understanding reckon the number of the beast", giving us a very important clue in finding out the real meaning of this number. To count "number of the beast" to be used mathematics. As we pointed math, 666 is a triangular number, that can be symbolized by an equilateral triangle. And this triangle associated with evil triad can only be "Satanic" that started in Mesopotamia, formed by Enki Serpent (Lucifer) and his children, twins Marduk and Ishtar, as can be seen together. Marduk and Ishtar, the twins are on an equal footing, on the same line. Enki, their father, making it higher than represented above them. All three are equal (angles and sides are equal), so Trinity was represented by an equilateral triangle. But to show that Enki is slightly higher than his children, he is the top angle. This trinity is a whole and its members, by a percentage of the whole. Considering the above rule, that all three are equal, we should consider that each of the three is 33.33333% of the whole. But we must remember that Enki is almost equal to his children, being slightly higher. Therefore, dividing the percentage trinity can be done in a very simple way: Marduk and Ishtar is by 33% (being equal) and their father, which is almost equal to her but little above 34%. This explains the importance of the number 33 in satanism and freemasonry. 33 is their god Marduk or Satan, part of the trinity "satanic", the 33 percent. The version above shows a difference of 1% between Enki and his children. But if we want to minimize the difference between them? When we use decimals. Marduk and Ishtar, who are twins (ie equal), will represent 33.3% of the total each. And their father, which is slightly higher than its 33.4%. Therefore, the difference between them is only 0.1 percent, which is closer to the idea of ​​an equilateral triangle with all its parts (angles or sides) equal. As far as the myths tell us of many peoples, Enki was killed and Marduk received dominion over the Earth. He married his sister and together they led the planet. Expressing each as a percentage of the whole, would mean that they together represent 66.6% of the trinity. Or, in the first method of calculation, 66%. Therefore, 666 percent may be times the number of the two leaders of the Earth, without commas (in ancient decimal math was simple human reach, but the initiative), or the two of ten times stronger (66 , 6 X 10 = 666). The old practice of this exaggeration. Egyptian god Thoth was called by the Greeks Hermes Trismegistus, or "thrice great Hermes", Jesus was called the Gnostics setieni "thrice man", etc.. Therefore, it is possible to represent 666 Marduk and Ishtar (66.6) ten times stronger. A reference perhaps to the final battle described in Revelation, where they will be ten times stronger than the last confrontation between the two camps, several thousand years ago. If you use the first method of calculation, the no decimals, percentages sum Gemini is 66. And in view of Masons, Satanists, occultists and numerology, 66 is the same value as 666. We can conclude that 666 represents two children original Snake, Marduk and Ishtar, the leaders of Earth, whether or not ten times stronger. As we have seen, the 666 was associated with vision divine twins Thracians, and John Apocalipsadupă Evil, the number of the Beast, Dragon son. This explains also why Marduk, having abandoned Babylon has chosen Jerusalem, a city whose coordinates summed give 66 ° 60 '(31 ° 47'N 35 ° 13'E +) or why his servant Solomon asked for an annual tribute of 666 talents of gold (the Second Book of Kings 10:14).

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