
martes, 30 de octubre de 2012


We've all heard the term ¨ ghost ¨ but nobody knows for sure but that is how it manifests in the following lines try to give some explain about paranormal phenomena
A ghost is considered a spirit or soul out of a deceased person, although in some popular use the term is used only as a ghost appearances of people. Often described as a ghost is immaterial and partly transparent, ghosts are considered to haunt certain locations or persons with whom they come in contact in life or death. Ghosts of weapons, animal ghosts, ghosts of ghosts of trains and even ships are mentioned in many writings. Ghosts and paranormal activities are depicted in movies, theater, literature, myths, legends and even some religions. Terminology Ghost in the English word "ghost" comes from the Old English word - "Gast", namely the German "gaisto-z". Gothic equivalent is "MAHA" is Old Norse word "andi" or "ond". German word is mentioned only as male, but sometimes neutral. Besides the significance of the human spirit or soul, both dead and living people, from the Old English word is used as a synonym for the Latin "spiritus", he also having means "breath, blast" in the ninth century. May also indicate good or bad spirits, such as angels and demons. Anglo-Saxon gospel refers to the demonic possession of Matthew 12:43 as a term - "Gast is unclean." Also in Old English word can mean the spirit of God, "Holy Ghost". Actual meaning of "soul of the deceased, who can speak and appear in visible forms" is emphasized by the fourteenth century. Ghost synonym is a word borrowed from German, from Old High German "spoke". English became synonymous with the United States in the nineteenth century. Similar words in modern language include English "spectra" (from Latin "spectrum"), Scot "wraith" (origin obscure), "phantom" in French and Greek "Phantasma". The term shadow (English - "shade") in classical mythology translates: Greek: σκιά or "shadow" - Latin. Another term from English - "haint" is a synonym for ghost used as the source regionalism in South America. The term "Poltergeist" is a German word literally means "noisy ghost" - "noisy ghost" is actually invisible spirit that manifests by moving / moving objects. Word "ghost" may refer to any spirit or demon. The English term "return" is a dead person who has returned to haunt the living. Anthropological context The notion of the transcendent, supernatural or numinous, often inplica entities like ghosts, demons or deity. This is often used in universal culture by most companies. In folk religions, these beliefs are often summarized in animism and ancestral cults. In many cultures malignant, restless ghosts are spirits that are subject to different ancestral cults. Ancestral cults often involves rituals that are intended to prevent the "Back" vengeful spirits of the deceased, alleged to be envious life. Ways of rituals protection against "back" often include even sacrifices. Atropologul nineteenth century James Frazer writes in his book "The Golden Bough" because souls are creatures animated bodies. Ghosts and the afterlife Although the human soul is often symbolized in literature or painting a bird or animal, though the idea has been preserved because the soul is actually a reproduction of the body, whether or not that person and clothes. This is mentioned in various ancient cultures, involved in "Egyptian Book of the Dead" which shows deceased people in the afterlife looking like before death, including clothes. Common attributes Another widespread belief regarding ghosts is that they are composed of a material mystical, airy and thin. Atropologii speculate because ghosts are spirits inside people, this aspect mentioned in ancient cultures as a person's breath, which can be accentuated in cold climate conditions when the breath is visible. This significance may occur in some languages ​​as a metaphor for the meaning ghost, as occurs in Latin "spiritus" or Greek "pneuma", which by analogy is the meaning of soul. In the Bible, God is presented as the breath attributed to Adam. In many religions and traditions, ghosts are often regarded as representing deceased persons seeking revenge, or people who remained trapped on earth because of bad deeds done in life. Many wives in rural cultures appear white, allegedly deceased in tragic ways or after a trauma. Legend white women is a widespread legend on all continents. Legends of ghost ships existed since the eighteenth century, the most famous is the "Flying Dutchman" - "The Flying Dutchman". Places A place where ghosts make their appearance is considered a haunted place and often seen as being inhabited by spirits of deceased persons who have resided or have had in the property. Supernatural activity inside of homes are considered to be eventimente violent or tragic happened in the past, such as murders, accidental deaths or suicides. In many cultures and religions is considered because the soul continues to exist. Some psychologists and visionary support the idea according to which "spirits" of deceased persons have passed away and so are locked inside the property where they have memories and thus energy is strong. Scientific explanations Some researchers, such as Professor Michael Persinger (Laurentian University, Canada), argues that changes in geomagnetic fields (created by tectonic movements of the earth or solar activity) could stimulate the brain's temporal lobe and thus produce experiences associated with hauntings. This theory was tested in various ways. Some researchers have examined the relationship between time that happened several unexplained phenomena in haunted locations and any changes in geomagnetic activity.

666...what does it mean?

"Here is wisdom. That hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred threescore and six. "- John the Theologian (Revelation 13:18)
"The significance of the number 666 is one of the greatest mysteries of mankind for almost two millennia. They gave hundreds of explanations more or less plausible, but nobody managed to find out what that number really means. Dominant figures of various eras have been associated with the "number of the beast" such as Nero, Napoleon, Hitler or the Pope (whatever it may be). Citation John the Theologian, who put in mist million people and created hexakosioihexekontahexafobia (fear of the number 666) is: "Here is wisdom. That hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred threescore and six. "(Revelation 13:18) In mathematics, 666 is the sum of the first 36 numbers and is therefore triangular number. Triangular numbers are those that can form an equilateral triangle. This is the first clue to decode the number. 666 is also the sum of the squares of the first seven prime numbers. Generally, this number is regarded as one evil because Satan is associated with biblical quotes. This is the second clue. Few know that, generally Thracians and Dacians in particular 666 was a very important number. Their legends claimed that Zalmoxis Divine Twins return to Earth once every 666 years. During Burebista decided that the first year of the calendar year to be considered if Gemini Divine birth (ie 713 BC) and the 666-th (47 BC) are year-religious political reforms . This number appears on all sorts of inscriptions throughout the Thracians, the SSS, CCC (C = 6 Greek) or VIVIVI (VI = 6 Latin). For example, a woman's prayer Getian Zalmoxian, was found on a marble plaque at Tomis "Ayrelia banners Symforo Syn Syn dio ze six tri Kai doing Theta gatri Ayris Niascharian Noname". This prayer is translated: "Bright, clean, great lady, are faithful, are three of six, but both please: help me revive once." Number 666 is found only in the current text ("three to six" ), but hidden. Reading just capitalization, it "AB AN SSS K", which translates "with 666 years". According to Dr. Napoleon Săvescu, it was the sign that the Thracians worshiped returned to the true religion, which he wore a sign on the right hand or forehead. In his book Secret Dacia, Adrian Bucurescu presents several examples. On a marble slab discovered in Tetova city of Macedonia is the following inscription: "I'm number three of six, which for me is sacred. I'd love to get high in the Land of the Gods. "On a lamp from Drobeta write from right to left:" It Namor SSS "(" number 666 "). Found in a lamp from the old city-ship (Olt) writes "CVIVI" Greek combination of 6 (C) and 6 Latin (VI). Also in such combinations is 666 on bricks and tiles found at Bumbeşti-Jiu and other Dacian fortresses. So Thracians associate this number with Divine Twins. This is our third clue that can help us decipher one of the best preserved historical codes. You believe it or not, the answer was right in front of us all along. For our ancestors, regardless of the culture to which they belonged, some numbers (1,3,7,9,12, etc.) Were very important. These numbers have retained importance even today. Although numerology give all kinds of explanations for these numbers ignore the most important: numbers represent deities. 1 is the supreme god, regardless of religion or God. 2 is a couple of gods, usually signifies its Divine Twins (Marduk and Ishtar, Apollo and Artemis, Freyr and Freyja). Figure 3 is a trinity, found in most religions. For example, the first trinity of Mesopotamia consisted of Anu, Enlil and Enki. It was followed by the second, consisting of Enki and his children, Marduk and Ishtar. In Brahmanism we Trimurti consists of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Holy Trinity in Christianity, etc.. Figure 4 represents family "satanic", ie Enki and Ninhursag (parents), along with their children, Marduk and Ishtar (Divine Twins). For Egyptians, number 8 Ogdoad of Hermopolis be great and 9, United Enneiadă of Heliopolis (groups of eight or nine gods). 12 is the number of Titans and Olympian gods in ancient Greece, rulers Sumerian gods number, number of the apostles of Jesus in Christianity, etc.. I will detail these issues in a future post. In conclusion, the numbers "magic" is superior entities men whom they called gods. Therefore, chances are high as 666 to represent one or more of these deities. John the Theologian said, "is the number of man", the man understood a person, an entity, a being. In the Revelation of John, 666 is associated with evil, Satan, the Beast or Antichrist. At the Thracians, was associated with Divine Twins, ie Marduk (the Christians called Satan) and his sister Ishtar. John wrote, "who has understanding reckon the number of the beast", giving us a very important clue in finding out the real meaning of this number. To count "number of the beast" to be used mathematics. As we pointed math, 666 is a triangular number, that can be symbolized by an equilateral triangle. And this triangle associated with evil triad can only be "Satanic" that started in Mesopotamia, formed by Enki Serpent (Lucifer) and his children, twins Marduk and Ishtar, as can be seen together. Marduk and Ishtar, the twins are on an equal footing, on the same line. Enki, their father, making it higher than represented above them. All three are equal (angles and sides are equal), so Trinity was represented by an equilateral triangle. But to show that Enki is slightly higher than his children, he is the top angle. This trinity is a whole and its members, by a percentage of the whole. Considering the above rule, that all three are equal, we should consider that each of the three is 33.33333% of the whole. But we must remember that Enki is almost equal to his children, being slightly higher. Therefore, dividing the percentage trinity can be done in a very simple way: Marduk and Ishtar is by 33% (being equal) and their father, which is almost equal to her but little above 34%. This explains the importance of the number 33 in satanism and freemasonry. 33 is their god Marduk or Satan, part of the trinity "satanic", the 33 percent. The version above shows a difference of 1% between Enki and his children. But if we want to minimize the difference between them? When we use decimals. Marduk and Ishtar, who are twins (ie equal), will represent 33.3% of the total each. And their father, which is slightly higher than its 33.4%. Therefore, the difference between them is only 0.1 percent, which is closer to the idea of ​​an equilateral triangle with all its parts (angles or sides) equal. As far as the myths tell us of many peoples, Enki was killed and Marduk received dominion over the Earth. He married his sister and together they led the planet. Expressing each as a percentage of the whole, would mean that they together represent 66.6% of the trinity. Or, in the first method of calculation, 66%. Therefore, 666 percent may be times the number of the two leaders of the Earth, without commas (in ancient decimal math was simple human reach, but the initiative), or the two of ten times stronger (66 , 6 X 10 = 666). The old practice of this exaggeration. Egyptian god Thoth was called by the Greeks Hermes Trismegistus, or "thrice great Hermes", Jesus was called the Gnostics setieni "thrice man", etc.. Therefore, it is possible to represent 666 Marduk and Ishtar (66.6) ten times stronger. A reference perhaps to the final battle described in Revelation, where they will be ten times stronger than the last confrontation between the two camps, several thousand years ago. If you use the first method of calculation, the no decimals, percentages sum Gemini is 66. And in view of Masons, Satanists, occultists and numerology, 66 is the same value as 666. We can conclude that 666 represents two children original Snake, Marduk and Ishtar, the leaders of Earth, whether or not ten times stronger. As we have seen, the 666 was associated with vision divine twins Thracians, and John Apocalipsadupă Evil, the number of the Beast, Dragon son. This explains also why Marduk, having abandoned Babylon has chosen Jerusalem, a city whose coordinates summed give 66 ° 60 '(31 ° 47'N 35 ° 13'E +) or why his servant Solomon asked for an annual tribute of 666 talents of gold (the Second Book of Kings 10:14).

Codex Gigas

Codex Gigas, as its name suggests in Latin, is the largest book in the world. Was once considered the eighth wonder of the world. Has a length of 92 cm and weighs 75 kg. This impressive book includes Bible stories ancient remedies and magical incantations and magical spells. Codex Gigas is called the Devil's Bible because it contains a very strange combination of text, and a drawing as large a page, which is depicted Satan. The book carries almost supernatural attraction being coveted by the powerful or stolen as spoils of war. Throughout its existence codices inspired fear and obsession of the masters. And now this book reflects an extraordinary magnetism. Even if kept in Sweden, in 2007, after 400 years, Codex arrived in his native Czech Republic. Thousands of people gathered to see and to admire the force. Content codicelui Calligraphy is unusual is remarkably regular. From there was born a natural question whether codices was made by one man or a group of copyists? Even if the Middle Ages, books were made of two or three scribes, Devil Bible is made by one man. But when one man took the time to write such a book? Codex Gigas codexgigas21 1 300x205 Work: Story Bibiliei Diavoluluidepusă to achieve such works are quantified in decades and an ordinary man growing old and losing the qualities necessary for a work that seems perfect. Page after page the book is flawless, mistakes are missing and not missing details omissions. And yet, the book was only one man, as experts say today. The manuscript contains "Alphabet", "Old Testament", "Josephus Flavius", "Isidorus", "Medica", "New Testament", "Confessions", "Havenly City", "devil", "Invocation / chanting" " Cosmas "," Name "and" Calendar " Legend behind Codex Gigas A legend claims that miraculous book was written by a monk condemned who sold his soul to the devil. The story begins in 1230, in a remote convent in Bohemia. In an austere cell, a monk prays to be able to end his life. Sinning, violated a rule monastic saint. Sin is so outrageous that it is not exposed. It is one of the Benedictine monks. Called "black monks" because they wear black strailelor which symbolizes death to earthly world. They made vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and sacrifice endures cruel Physical wore shirts harsh flea infested, fasting, not sleeping enough and autoflagelau. Only the weak fall prey to temptation: greed, envy, sexual deviation. Punishments were from extreme isolation, starvation, excommunication to death. Sometime monk monastery fallen fate is decided. He decided that he must die for violating the rules. Monk promised greater than if it is left one day he would write a work life that glorify impressive monastery forever. His superiors laughed, but the monk insisted be left one night to finish the work. It is left to try, but their edict is clear: if you do not finish the book, you will die. Monk wrote page after page until the numb hand, then turned to the fallen archangel Satan that help him to finish the work. Legend has it that the demon answers the call and asks the monk soul in exchange for aid. In this way the book was finished. Codex kills Codicelui owners were followed by a permanent curse over time. It all started with the monastery in Bohemia faced serious financial problems. "Black monks" were forced to sell the codices of another cult, "white monks" or those dressed in white. Shortly after the "white monks" came into possession of mysterious books, faced with an epidemic fatal bubonic plague. Devil monks who kept the Bible are devastated. A powerful bishop commands monks to return codices. Black plague consume region, making tens of thousands of victims. In 1585 Prince Rudolf fascinated by predictions of Highway, discovers his inclination towards esoteric and occult sciences. Rudolf craves to have codices, which was in possession of the Benedictine monastery. After several gifts and favors, as a gift, the Bible gives Satan monastery. King is captured and committed experts to translate passages. Rudolf codices kept for himself and became fascinated by its contents. As expected, fortune smiles and the king no longer turn a dull character, unsociable, predictable and paranoid. Is isolated in his castle and forget to exercise royal duties. Unfit to drive the king loses his supporters and his family banishes him from the throne. Finally the king dies helpless and celibate. Rudolf's former kingdom falls into enemy hands, rob Swedish soldiers seize library and most precious manuscripts: Codex Gigas. Kristina, female monarch in Europe, take possession codicelui. Can not keep it for too long to the fate of female king takes a strange twist, like the Devil's Bible. In less than ten years Kristina abdicated. Converts to Catholicism, planning to go into exile in Rome. "King" pack their goods including many holy bibles but mysteriously leaves behind Codex Gigas. Over nearly 50 years, codices is almost destroyed in a catastrophic fire. Friday, May 7, 1697, Stockholm Royal Castle, subjects eyes, lies a body: King Charles XI died recently. Castle suddenly caught fire, and the rooms one after another swallowed by flames. One subject fails to take codices and an inhuman effort throws it out the window. Strange miracle book manages to survive a devastating fire. From 1649 to 2007, the manuscript was preserved in the Royal Library in Stockholm. Devil On page 290, a strange painting that depicts Satan drew curious attention over time. This graphic, executed by an amateur according to experts, is the largest drawing of the devil that exists on earth. Devil is depicted alone, standing with his arms up. It drew only four toes with claws and horns. Fix on the next page is depicted in all splendor to paradise. Whatever message sinful monk wanted to convey through the two designs can be achieved duality that leads existence mankind. Confrontation between good and evil is always around us and is so well depicted in the Codex Gigas. These are the two possibilities and choices that are available to man, he chose a path during life. Codex Gigas remains a book full of mysteries, the mysteries and truths shorter unexpected permanent confrontation Creator and the Devil, between good and evil. However, over time, it was thought that the mysterious codex was written under the guidance of the devil, which makes the manuscript to be called and the Devil's Bible.

dracula legend

Bran Castle was originally a fortress built by the Teutonic Knights in 1212. Vlad Tepes used Bran Castle as a starting point for his incursions in Transylvania. Americans settled in Romania visit this castle especially around Halloween is one of the few places where you can feel the atmosphere of this holiday in our country. Dracula legend became myth in the 19th and 20th centuries. This legend is closely related to Romanian historical figure of Prince Vlad Tepes, known for his cruelty immeasurable. Texts from the 15th century, they saw the legend as two different images of the prince, one who depict as a tyrant, the other as a harsh ruler, ruthless but loving country and brave, fierce battles against the Turks. Born in 1431 in Sighisoara, Vlad Tepes Dracula was a prince carefully nation and country, but the times we remember with horror and fear. They say that starting the fight leave their beloved wife, Elizabeth, alone in the castle. Turks urzesc plan after which the queen and suicide plague starts. Vlad returns home to find his wife in a pool of blood. Full of pain and anger he stabbed it blasphemes God and the cross begins to bleed, and sells his soul in exchange for immortality dark side of humanity, the Devil. The name Dracula comes from her impalement, one of the most horrible ways to die, the favorite method of execution thereof. In 1431 Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg invests him Dracula's father, Vlad, the Order of the Dragon, which included only crowned heads, a knightly order dedicated to fighting against the Turks. The emblem of the order was a dragon, symbol of the devil. Moving from Dracula, a ruler who brutally punished river benefactors, the vampire Dracula was made by associating images of German stories suggesting ruler passion for bloodshed, as happened when the ruler dining between nobles punished by dragging corpses impaled and popular beliefs about the undead gathered in Transylvania by Austrian soldiers.

Curse huge mountain

One of the most widespread myths in the Apuseni Mountains is the alluriasilor. It is said of old that Decebal agreed to and Apuseni let live, peacefully, provided that they them guard treasures. Myth giants seem buried along with elders which disappeared from this world one by one. He revived in Following a spent occurrences in the village Hunedoara Ardeu, 30 years ago. A summer evening in 1974. On limestone quarry near Ardeu, everyone finish the job, two men less vigorous who continued to dig 100 meters away from the actual career on hill which now lies ruin a Dacian fortresses. One of them, Aurel Florea and is now 74 years (considering that we are in 2007): I've been wearing crampu '(scarifying - No) until I reached nearly a meter lift up adincime.Apoi I came to earth with shovels. We saw nice quiet when I gave a loud shovel. I thought co be a pot of wheat from Dacian times money, or that they also found so many pots and shards Hill Fortress. Then I cleaned carefully earth. I've been a long and rather out the surface of the pot, I saw that it was a human skull largest river all, how healthy a pumpkin. We got scared badly and I buried him back, then I dug pit later, two meters. Aurel Florea and his colleague were scared because in childhood, heard the curse giants will fall on those who will let the dead child to rest in peace: Not to have hodina in body and peace in soul, as I had or how experienced or mother, father and child of giants brothers after the youngest of her dead ortavit people. Elders of Ardeu say huge family in the mountains The next Ardeu was pregnant by Decebal guard a gold plug in size, which were tied two oxen, all of gold, and all of sized pieces that Dacian chief held a lot and he hid in a cave whose entrance was then built. The story was passed from father to son, unwritten but never, not preserves too much detail about the historical period chance, just facts. Mosnegii say, learning the treasure of hundreds of kilograms of gold, a group of young men who wanted to become rich overnight were ventured into the mountains. They took with them swords, scythes, pitchforks and tirnacoape, plus three carts pulled by oxen, to take back what their carrying prey. The cave was guarded by turn, the father and eldest son of the family giants. The day predators group reached near cave Security was the eldest son of giants. The food at him, parents have sent the lowest. But he forgot to take with him three Doorstep bread that his brother have need to be filled. Hungry, huge lad would have said the little: Stay you here I go home and come quickly enough bread to eat both. Predators fog reached the mouth of the cave built right in between the youngest was one giant family. It does not knew why and who have guarded the entrance to the cave. Seeing the jack shake it with forks and swords around him and thought are actually some toys. Fun at the summit, the youngest not noticed, later, another part of the band cut an ox, the pressed into him poison, after which stretched before him. Hungry, State did little giant delving thoughts and poisoned the food people. Giants youngest died shortly after. Predators have started to break down some of the wall covering entry cave, but once entered, the ceiling collapsed on them. All died. Ox carts were left out. When they returned lad huge pain remained silent. He ran home but until I told his mother what had happened to the youngest. Giant did not believe until it reached the place. A seen that those who killed the child, was engulfed by earth But Crazed with grief, began to ransack the earth. Elders of Ardeu tell that it had apaut isfirtecatei hills in the area and it was brought to light quality limestone which for centuries have then used to make lime, their occupation of the base until after 20 years. Blesemul appeared so that he would have spoken then mother shouting giants, who feared curse and Aurel Florea when found and buried the child's skull held enormous. Last time I sit near people they met with giants would have been almost 200 years ago, says Aurel Florea. My wife's grandmother said that her mother was a child when he went to parents to show up on a ridge near the place where it says c-urias.Deodata child had died came a giant took the all in arms, complete with plow and oxen, and he went back to the valley without But to do anything wrong. They said it only 'both: You are the worms earth. Loosening land elsewhere, not here. Stir alongside other supernatural beings that still believe elders of the mining communities of mountains, giants are characters with supernatural powers widespread in popular belief the area. Ethnologist Marcel Laptes myth explains the emergence and preservation giants: These giants were evil characters. They punish the people if they do not with a certain lifestyle and were owners of natural treasures, which, of course, guarding their own. In isolated communities, such as those in the Apuseni people live in an environment of mystery and the supernatural. Proximity to the nature of people here makes it easier to believe in these forces. The people in these villages have a different way of perceiving the environment. For them, everything is life and each element is well established role in the universe, from last blade of grass, until the stars in the sky. What do you think about these giants? Genesis 6.4 "In those days arose on Earth giants, especially of when the sons of God had begun to enter the daughters of men and they were beginning to bear sons; these are the famous warriors of old "of old, ie from a previous cycle of humanity. Hronografele Byzantine, who take writing more old specific about these forest giants as they reach only up knee, and as badly persecuted people [did soup How many 50 people] and that they ate their own children even after their mother bears him, and the more that was brought flood. About 'brave' Nimrod, which places it after the flood Genesis [10.8 to 12] tradition comes the detail that was king of Babylon, and he ordered the construction of the "tower." He uttered blasphemies against very large of God and therefore a wind stirred up, tore down one segment of the tower fell on him killing him. Later, he detects and Israeli spies 'sons of Anak' [see Numbers Chapter 13] Deuteronomy 3.11 "Only Og king of Bashan was left of Rephaim. Behold his bed, iron bed and is today in Rabat-Amon [ie today 2900 years ago when they wrote the book] 9 cubits long and wide of 4 cubits, cubits men "[4.5 meters in 2]. Observe the character sleeping on a bed of iron, like a true fighter. Like fictivii klingon in Star Trek, they slept on beds of iron 'to and moleseasca not bodies. "Elsewhere it is stated that various populations had different names for the Rephaim. Some Emim, others Anakim, "sons of Anak" [the Anakim it is the same with "God" supreme Sumerian, Anu? 'Year' means the Sumerian sky] 1 Kings 17.4 "Then came the Philistines camp on a fighter named Goliath, of Gath. This was the stature of six cubits and a span " [Less than 3 meters], and a brother of his had extra fingers and 6 to each member. This Goliath armor he wore almost 600 kg. To meet Greek myths were giants who rebelled against Zeus. Derivatives were a giant Cyclops, with one eye. Other people also can find similar myths. Also, projections Hall complex in alien in Bucegi, they found tables, chairs, made that for some giants. In Romania, there are countless testimonies about the civilization of giants. Virtually every area of ​​the country has stories about heroes layers formidable Novaci, as they are called in some places. But only our legends talk about them.